Which Agreement between the United States and Japan First Addressed

September 6, 2023

The United States and Japan have a long history of diplomatic relations that dates back over 160 years. One of the most significant agreements between the two nations was the Treaty of Kanagawa, which was signed in 1854 by representatives from both countries. This treaty marked a turning point in the relationship between the United States and Japan, establishing formal diplomatic ties and opening up trade between the two nations.

The Treaty of Kanagawa was negotiated by Commodore Matthew Perry, an American naval officer who was sent to Japan by President Millard Fillmore. Perry`s mission was to persuade the Japanese government to allow American ships to enter Japanese ports and establish a coaling station in Japan. At the time, Japan had been closed off from the world for over two centuries and was mainly isolated from foreign trade and influence.

After months of negotiations and demonstrations of American naval power, Perry was able to secure an agreement with Japanese officials. The Treaty of Kanagawa established two ports in Japan, Shimoda and Hakodate, where US ships could refuel and resupply. This agreement also provided for the protection of American sailors and guaranteed the safety of American ships in Japanese waters.

The Treaty of Kanagawa was a significant moment in the history of US-Japanese relations, as it marked the beginning of diplomatic and economic connections between the two countries. The treaty paved the way for further agreements, including the Harris Treaty of 1858, which further opened up Japan to foreign trade and established permanent diplomatic relations between the two countries.

In conclusion, the Treaty of Kanagawa was the first agreement between the United States and Japan that addressed diplomatic relations and trade between the two countries. This agreement was a significant moment in the history of US-Japanese relations and laid the foundations for further cooperation between the two nations. The Treaty of Kanagawa is still remembered today as a symbol of the enduring friendship between the United States and Japan.

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