Which of the following Contains an Error in Subject-Verb Agreement

April 18, 2022

The salami and chorizo in the fridge are very salty, so you may want to serve water with it to make your guests feel comfortable. No errors Last updated: May 13, 2020 Views: 38690. The word “agreement” when referring to a grammatical rule means that the words used by an author must match in number and gender (if any). For more information about the two main types of chords, see below: subject-verb match and noun-pronoun match. Grammatical errors are a term used in prescriptive grammar to describe an erroneous, unconventional or controversial use case, such. B as a misplaced modifier or an inappropriate verb tense. . Many English teachers would consider this a grammatical error – especially a case of misreference to the pronoun.) An inverted sentence is a sentence in a normally subject-oriented language in which the predicate (verb) precedes the subject (noun). . Since the verb is not followed by an object, the noun phrase after the verb “lived” can easily be decoded as a subject. The verb in the sentence, which is written as “face” in the underlined part, must actually be in the singular form “faces”.

The subject of the sentence is “everyone”, which is actually a singular form, although the verb is next to “new formators”. “The new faces of the trainer” is the right answer. My favorite history teacher, as well as some of his administrative staff, were asked to resign because fewer students were taking history classes than ever before. No error Answer: The error of agreement in the sentence is that the pronoun “you” does not correspond to the previous “people” in the number. Explanation: The pronoun “self” is singular in the above sentence, so to be error-free, the sentence must refer to a singular precursor. The paralegal believed that there was an overload of cases in the office, which resulted in stress. No errors The underlined part of the sentence contains a verb error with “running”. “John and Susan”, although the two singular nouns, together are a plural and require a plural verb form instead of the singular “running”. “Running to the finish line” is the right answer. The verb “are” coincides with a plural subject, but the subject of this sentence is the singular “couple”. Changing “are” to “is” corrects the error in the sentence. The corrected sentence reads: “A pair of support shoes is important if you have back pain.” The simple subject of the sentence is “everyone”, so the predicate should be singular and not plural.

In this sentence, “Each of the students” is the subject, so we need a singular predicate. The only answer that includes a singular predicate for the topic “Each of the students” is: “Each of the students was sick last week, so the professor cancelled the lecture.” Subject-verb tuning errors occur when the author or speaker uses the plural form of a verb, when the subject calls the singular form, or when the singular form of a verb is used, then the subject requires the plural form. “The subject does not match the verb” is an example of a subject-verb match error. The best thing about running with bulls is the expressions on the faces of others who are trying to stay one step ahead of the animals behind them. No mistake This is a matter of subject-verb agreement within this independent clause: “The overall security of the city has improved considerably since its cessation.” Simply put, the subject is “security”, which is a singular noun, so the verb must also be singular, so “improves” is false and “has improved” is the corrected verb. While the young analyst is embarrassed by the fact that his girlfriend behind the wheel is not very skillful, each of his other redemptive qualities compensates for his ability to drive. No fault If Rebecca`s penchant for expensive caviar and chocolates doesn`t reflect what she actually likes, but is simply a manifestation of her tendency to spend money carelessly. No mistakeShana, Joe and Marcel were amazing in each of their performances and the audience rewarded them with cheers and applause. No error In sentence D, “person” is singular, while the pronoun “she” is plural. In this sentence, the pronoun “they” refers to “person” as a precursor. but “person” is an indefinite singular pronoun.

Thus, there is an error in the pronoun-precursor correspondence. James is a proactive police officer, and although local rebel teenagers are annoyed by his strict nature, the overall security of the city has improved significantly since he was hired. This sentence contains an error in the subject-verb correspondence. The subject of the sentence is “reported”, so the verb “a” must be replaced by the plural “ont” to correspond to the plural subject “reported”. Select the underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed for the sentence to be correct. .

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